Success Stories

"Malia's journey with chiropractic has been a huge improvement in her life. Malia speaks more, and is a lot more confident with herself." - Mom

While she acknowledges that there is more healing ahead, Perla's life feels so much more "normal" now, improving every single day since starting her chiropractic care.

"His scores improved drastically, he is more confident in himself, and he is also more aware of his surroundings." -

"Within 24 hours of symptoms, she was 100% back to being her normal energetic happy self." - Mom

PJ went from mostly frowny faces to mostly happy faces! He has been a shining star since starting chiropractic, and his mom shares, "Although it was a big commitment, if I had to do it all over, I would. It was well worth the investment."

"His team of OT, ABA and others agree, adding chiropractic care has made a huge difference." -Mom

"RJ has been saying more words! Today I overheard him watching Ms. Rachael and he put 3 words together!"- Mom

Now over 7 months seizure free, Zechariah's neurologists are stunned with his progress!

"He has been more chill and relaxed. He's able to sit quietly for a longer period of time, yay!" -Mom

"After 3 weeks in treatment, his teachers noticed improvement in his studies and are proud of his growth,"- Mom
Mom finally had the calm beautiful girl she always wanted, and could now focus on the rest of the family.